Do you have a friend or a colleague that is looking for a children orthodontist or an adult orthodontist? Send them our way by letting them know about your great experience at Shirck Orthodontics. Dr. Shirck and the team at Shirck Orthodontics truly appreciates it when our patients recommend us to their friends and family.
A referral is the highest compliment you can give our team!
Our Referral Program enters you into a raffle with special rewards and has a few simple rules:
1. You’ll qualify for the program once you’ve referred 3 new patients to our office that list you as a referral source.
2. Payment on your personal orthodontic contract must be up to date and you must either be a current or formal patient or the responsible party of a current or formal patient.
Let us know if you think you qualify for Shirck Orthodontics referral program. We would love to reward you and your family!